Get Professional Planning Advice from a Chartered Town Planner
Are you a homeowner who is considering some development and want to know what sort of planning permission might be required? Or do you have a site and are considering what development options you have? The Planning Process can be a complicated, and the rules can vary from place to place. There are a number of considerations which might arise and so getting some professional planning advice can make the difference in getting a successful planning decision.
The first step for many homeowners and developers considering a development can be a Planning Appraisal. An appraisal will investigate a site and considered development to see what the chances of success with a planning application may be and the best strategy with which to proceed. It will also seek to ascertain what reports will likely be required to accompany a planning application in order to be validated by the Local Planning Authority.
If you are considering obtaining a Planning Appraisal, there are three primary pieces of information we will need:
Where – the Site Address,
What – what is the proposed development to be considered within the appraisal, and
Who – your information, including name, email and address (if different from the site).
If you would like to understand both the planning policy and economic implications of your development, you may consider opting for a Dual Appraisal – which would amalgamate both the Planning Appraisal and Economic Optimization Appraisal. This would give you a more comprehensive understanding of the proposed development, however it is not suitable for all as many applicants and developers only need one.
If you would like any further information on the Planning Appraisal process, you are more than welcome to get in touch and a member of our team will be more than happy to assist.