In March 2023, Viable Placemaking's Director, Adam Place, gave a lecture at Leeds Becket University for the students and apprentices on the RTPI's postgraduate Town Planning course.
The CPD specialised in Planning Obligations and Developer Contributions and covered a wide range of matters including:
Developer Contributions
Planning Legislation
Viability Assessments
Whole Plan Viability
Community Infrastructure Levy
Appeal Decisions and Case Law
Adam said "it was great to be able to deliver this lecture and speak to the students about Developer Contributions. This was a subject that was missing from the academic portion of town planning when I did my masters but I was very fortunate to be able to learn about it in the workplace".
"The importance of development economics town planning is becoming increasingly prevalent and it is consistently recognised to be one of the most sought after specialisms in the profession. I hope the students found it useful and are able to refer back to this session when the matters arise in the workplace in the future."

Viable Placemaking offer CPD sessions to both architects and town planners alike and have experience in delivering CPD on an array of matters, including the town planning system, development economics, viability, and more.
If you would be interested in organising a CPD session for your workplace - whether you are a local authority, consultancy, or educational institution - please feel free to get in touch.