Viable Placemaking have assisted an applicant with an Affordable Housing Viability Assessment for the reversion of two flats into a single residential unit in Richmond, to create a home for their family.

Like many Councils in London and the South East, Richmond’s affordable housingpolicy is strict and requires a contribution towards affordable housing on small developments, including reversions. Due to prior experience with the Council, we have a dedicated Insight on the policy here.
Although the proposal did not incorporate a net increase in the number of residential units at the site, due to the Council's policy, the scheme required to provide a contribution, which was expected to be over £30k!
As a town planning consultancy with a specialism in development economics andviability, Viable Placemaking have extensive experience negotiating planningobligations and development viability for a variety of schemes, includingresidential developments.
The Viability Assessment demonstrated that the development was unviable andshould not be required to make a contribution towards affordable housing.
Viable Placemaking is committed to providing all types of housing, includingopen market and affordable housing, where it is viable and deliverable at a site, tomeet the needs of the community.
If you have a development which you think is unviable, or if you would like to learnmore about the viability process, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.