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HMO contributes to local housing needs

Viable Placemaking were pleased to support a development for a large House in Multiple Occupation (HMO) in London earlier this year. The scheme sought the redevelopment of a large, detached dwellinghouse to a large HMO.

The site was located in a sustainable location, with good accessibility by foot and bicycle to the local town centre, making it an ideal location for the proposed development from an active-travel perspective, while supporting the local economy.

Viable Placemaking supported the planning application with a Planning Statement and Affordability Statement.

In this case, the Affordability Statement was a tailored report which demonstrated that, although the Council were able to demonstrate a five year housing land supply, housing in the site locality and Council area was unaffordable, and the proposed development would positively contribute towards the social and economic sustainability objectives, which are set out in national planning policy.

Following extensive local comments and consideration by the Local Planning Authority, the development was refused. The applicant elected to appeal the Council's decision however, in Autumn 2024, the Planning Inspectorate dismissed the appeal. Although this appeal was dismissed, the Inspector's lesson provided useful insight on the role HMOs play in delivering an appropriate housing stock.

To give context, the National Planning Policy Framework, which sets out the overarching planning policy for England, states [1] that "to support the Government’s objective of significantly boosting the supply of homes, it is important that a sufficient amount and variety of land can come forward where it is needed, that the needs of groups with specific housing requirements are addressed and that land with permission is developed without unnecessary delay. The overall aim should be to meet as much of an area’s identified housing need as possible, including with an appropriate mix of housing types for the local community."

This is a sentiment which is reaffirmed within Policy H9 of the London Plan [2], which states that Boroughs should take account of the role of HMOs in meeting local and strategic housing needs.

Upon review of Viable Placemaking's Statement of Case in the abovementioned appeal, the Inspector considered the housing supply and requirements. He stated that "the HMO would be in an urban area where residential intensification on this windfall site could be achieved relatively quickly to make an efficient use of land, in principle acceptable under the development plan. These outcomes would be aligned with objectives of the NPPF to significantly boost the supply of homes and address the needs of groups with specific housing requirements with an appropriate mix of housing types for the local community, including those who rent their homes."

Previously, Viable Placemaking have conducted extensive research on affordability, housing supply, and the role HMOs play within a local area's housing supply. Although in this instance the scheme was refused for separate reasons, this appeal reaffirms what Viable Placemaking have previously found, that HMOs play an important role in the overall housing stock of an area.

For more information on affordability statements, housing supply reviews, and planning support for HMOs, please don't hesitate to get in touch.

[1] National Planning Policy Framework (December 2023 update)

[2] The London Plan 2021

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