Local Planning Authority Independent Viability Assessment Reviews
Affordable Housing can be one of the more contentious considerations within a planning application and it is important to be advised by an informed and understanding consultant to ensure that it is settled in a professional matter.
If an applicant submits a Viability Assessment with an application (sometimes referred to as a Financial Viability Appraisal), it is standard procedure for the Local Planning Authority to obtain an independent review to ensure the assumptions within the assessment are reasonable and realistic for the proposed development. If you would like to learn more about Viability Assessments, we have a blog specifically on these reports here.
The Viability Assessment Review shall assess all values and costs assumed within the assessment are reasonable. Where appropriate, it may suggest alternate inputs and or request further information from the applicant where the original Viability Assessment has not either provided enough information or where the assumptions are considered to be unreasonable or questionable. It is important to remember the onus is on the applicant to provide adequate information for any application, particularly in cases where they wish to dispute the policy compliant contribution/provision of affordable housing required.
VP are experienced in all things viability and have assisted many clients with reviews on the suitable degree of affordable housing which should be provided for a variety of schemes.
If you are an applicant or agent who have been asked by a Council to get an independent review, or if you are a Local Planning Authority who are looking for a consultant to assist with providing an independent opinion on viability matters, we would be more than happy to help.
If you’d like more support in assisting you with a specific scheme, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.